Saturday, December 6, 2008

The True Meaning of Love and Being in Love

The True Meaning of Love and Being in Love

That is how I describe love but you'll only know the true meaning of love when you feel it !

Meaning of LOVE - Simply means :
"Caring, Forgiving, Energizing and Sharing" Firoz Shroff

The possible real meaning/purpose of love is : to reproduce. To stay together to protect each other long enough to continue your blood line/genetics. The meaning of love is prolonged mutual protection. Love is real when it is found. It is free when it is grasped.

Love - is when you completely trust, care for, never forget, always forgive, and never let go of someone. But ... True Love - is more then love. Its just as unconditional but it has no beginning or end. its timeless. It never fades or deminishes but only grows each and every second. Its when two hearts intertwine forever. Thats where the dreams of magic and fairytales are rooted from. And thats why its so precious because it seems to be the rarest thing in the world.

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